The Best Kitchen Inventory App

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Streamline Restaurant Management with a Kitchen Inventory App

Beyond the obvious benefits of controlling food costs, a kitchen inventory app can streamline your operations so that your staff is spending less time on dreaded tasks like doing a pantry check to count each food item.

Naturally, that will lead to fewer hours worked and lower labor costs, which will always improve your bottom line.

MarketMan gives your restaurant real-time dashboards, so you know your food inventory levels at all times. Its app will also help keep track of which items are least profitable, reaching low levels, or are possibly going to waste.

Those kinds of insights are exactly what your restaurant needs to reduce waste, lower food costs, and identify your most profitable menu items. Software like MarketMan also enables your accounts payable team to easily scan bills with their mobile app and automate incoming inventory for fridge, freezer, and pantry items.

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Reduce Food Waste and Save Money

A kitchen inventory management app is your secret weapon when it comes to staying on top of inventory tracking. This kind of food inventory app helps you strategize what items to put on your shopping list to cut down on waste, while helping you control your budget and spending. The right tech solution can provide actionable data into how you're actually performing financially. You can use them to calculate food cost percentage, reduce over-buying, and figure out your least and most profitable items.

You'll receive reports on food inventory that goes out, such as menu items and ingredients sold and waste produced. This app keeps you up to date on daily waste production, so you can create actionable strategies to reduce it.

Price Menu Items Effectively

A kitchen inventory management app is your secret weapon when it comes to staying on top of inventory tracking. This kind of food inventory app helps you strategize what items to put on your shopping list to cut down on waste, while helping you control your budget and spending. The right tech solution can provide actionable data into how you're actually performing financially. You can use them to calculate food cost percentage, reduce over-buying, and figure out your least and most profitable items.

You'll receive reports on food inventory that goes out, such as menu items and ingredients sold and waste produced. This app keeps you up to date on daily waste production, so you can create actionable strategies to reduce it.

Price Menu Items Effectively

Even if you get the hang of these equations, it can be tough to keep track of all of this pricing information manually - especially as menu items change. A software-based restaurant inventory manager makes it easier to keep track of profit margins and the effects of changes in costs, ingredients, and selling price.

By maintaining a database of each menu item's current ingredients and their individual costs, restaurant management and inventory software allows business owners to:

  • Specify a selling price for a menu item; the tool will then calculate the cost of goods needed to prepare the dish and profit margin.
  • Identify the desired cost of goods (e.g. 20%) for a particular menu item; the tool with then calculate the selling price necessary to meet that goal.
  • Change ingredient amounts or substitute ingredients on your shopping list as needed; the tool will then calculate a new cost of goods needed to prepare the dish and profit margin.
  • Help with meal planning; restaurants can use inventory and POS data to plan new menu items.

Bringing in a restaurant management app will help you become more aware of what's really going into each meal you serve, so you can more accurately price menu items, make wiser financial choices, and increase profit margins.

Operationalize Your Kitchen with a Digital Cookbook

MarketMan's digital cookbook feature allows your back of house staff to understand what ingredients, amounts, and preparation goes into every dish. Here's what you'll get right out of the box:

  • Train your kitchen staff with ease
  • Control portions and reduce waste
  • Increase the consistency and precision of every recipe
  • Quickly view each recipe with responsive search on the fly
  • Real-time recipes are updated across every device
  • Quick access via computer, tablet, or phone
  • Easily print each recipe with one click
  • Dynamic allergen reports for each food item

Control Operations Between Multiple Locations

If you own more than one location of your restaurant, using a restaurant management app that helps you view data for each location can be immensely helpful and time-saving compared with a separate system for each location.

Since a restaurant inventory management system is cloud-based, it's easy to toggle between restaurant locations and manage shift schedules, pantry inventory, sales, ordering, accounting, and more.

When managers and staff are roped into using restaurant inventory management software, it keeps everyone in the loop about what's going on at each location. For example, it ensures staff members are in the right place at the right time - no more confusion about which location they need to show up at to work a shift.

You can also manage fridge and freezer inventory, pantry inventory, and bar stock level across all locations and place orders with suppliers in bulk so that you save per item, as well as view which menu items are most successful at each location so that you can deliver a meal plan your customers want locally.

Round Out Your Restaurant Operations with a POS System

In most restaurants nowadays, POS systems are the central processing unit for all areas of your business. Every financial transaction is recorded at the point of sale, and your POS system can connect that information with your inventory, cross-reference it with your menu items, and produce detailed financial reports cut up in just about any way you can imagine.

Integrations and reporting are clear differentiators for your POS system. Part of what makes them so powerful is that the data can be used across your restaurant's operations to power up your decision-making. A good POS system should integrate with your kitchen inventory app-so you can take out the guesswork in inventory management, menu optimization, and so much more. You'll have all the data at your fingertips for calculating food costs, keeping accurate pantry inventory count, adjusting menu prices, and addressing food wastage.

You can also track food inventory across the board, from the moment someone orders a burger to the moment a prep cook opens up another package of ground beef. An integrated POS system can give you complete control over your food production and sales process.

MarketMan offers a robust, industry-leading food inventory management app that seamlessly integrates with almost any POS system to help you make the most of your restaurant, and spend less time doing the dreaded fridge, freezer, and pantry check and more time doing what you love.

Get Ahead with Smarter Inventory Management

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